34151, Наконечник кабельный кольцевой обжимной

Код товара: 333654

Изображения служат только для ознакомления

Описание Eng:
Conn MMCX F 50Ohm Solder RA Thru-Hole Gold Bag
1000 шт

Описание 34151

The PLASTI-GRIP series Solderless Terminal and Splice designed specifically to answer the need for inexpensive, insulated electrical terminations. It accommodate wire sizes from 22AWG through 2/0AWG. Carefully engineered application tooling has been developed to ensure uniformly high quality terminations. Tool and terminal has been designed as a team to promote ease and speed of application and at the same time to provide precise crimping pressure for every wire size. The wire and the terminal barrel form a homogeneous mass of metal, providing a connection of maximum conductivity, tensile strength and high resistance to corrosion. The quality performance, the facility of installation and the inherent simplicity make them ideal for many industrial applications. PLASTI-GRIP products are available as rings, spades, flanged spaded, slotted rings, splices and several other varieties. Wire ranges for the terminals and splices are 22AWG through 2/0 and stud sizes from #2 through 1/2 inch.

• Serrations in the crimp barrel provide maximum contact and tensile strength after crimping
• 600V Operating voltage
• 105°C Rated temperature

Функциональное назначениеклемма тип о
Наличие изоляцииесть
Максимальное сечение зажимаемого провода,кв.мм1.4
Максимальное сечение зажимаемого провода,AWG22…16
Цвет изоляторакрасный
Способ монтажаобжим
Установочный диаметр, мм8.33
Вес, г0.9

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