PIC18F4620-I/P, Микроконтроллер Microchip 8-бит 64кБ Флэш-память 40DIP

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Описание Eng:
Тип упаковки:
Tube (туба)
10 шт

Описание PIC18F4620-I/P

The PIC18F4620-I/P is an enhanced Flash Microcontroller with 10-bit A/D and nanoWatt technology. This offers ten different oscillator options, allowing users a wide range of choices in developing application hardware. This device offers a total of seven operating modes for more efficient power management. These modes provide a variety of options for selective power conservation in applications where resources may be limited. As Harvard architecture device, the data and program memories use separate busses; this allows for concurrent access of the two memory spaces. The data EEPROM, for practical purposes, can be regarded as a peripheral device, since it is addressed and accessed through a set of control registers.

• C compiler optimized RISC architecture
• Internal oscillator support-31kHz to 8MHz with 4xPLL
• Fail-safe clock monitor, allows safe shutdown if clock fails
• Watchdog timer with separate RC oscillator
• An integrated LCD driver module, capable of driving 48 segments and 4 commons for LCD display
• 10-bit ADC, 12 channels and 100K samples per second
• Programmable low voltage detection module
• Programmable brown-out-reset module
• Master synchronous serial port supports SPI™ and I²C™ master and slave mode
• EUSART module including LIN bus support
• Run, idle and sleep modes
• Idle mode currents down to 5.8µA typical
• Sleep mode currents down to 0.1µA typical
• Supplier's original packaging: Tube

Серияpic 18f
Ширина шины данных8-бит
Тактовая частота40 мгц
Количество входов/выходов36
Объем памяти программ64 кбайт (32k x 16)
Тип памяти программflash
Объем EEPROM1k x 8
Объем RAM3.8k x 8
Наличие АЦП/ЦАПацп 13x10b
Встроенные интерфейсыi2c, spi, uart
Встроенная периферияbrown-outdetect/reset, hlvd, por, pwm, wdt
Напряжение питания4.2…5.5 в
Рабочая температура-40…+85c
Корпусdip-40 (0.600 inch)
Вес, г11

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Доставка PIC18F4620-I/P , Микроконтроллер Microchip 8-бит 64кБ Флэш-память 40DIP в город Калининград
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