Код товара: 10854682

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Описание LTC2612CMS8#PBF

Digital to Analogue Converters 14 Bit, Linear Technology The Linear Technology range of digital to analog converters includes voltage output DACs, multiplying current output D-A Converters and special-function digital to analogue converters. This product family comes in a 14-bit Resolution and offers single channel to multichannel with serial SPI or I2C or parallel interfaces. Special features on some include software selectable output spans (SoftSpan), power-on-reset to zero-scale, mid-scale or Hi-Z options and integrated high precision references.

The 14-bit high precision Current Output digital to analog converter series let you choose an external amplifier they do not depend upon the reference being buffered like Voltage Output Rail to Rail DAC types which demonstrate high linearity. The SoftSpanTM feature allows software selectable output spans eliminating the need to add precision gain stages and the associated external jumpers, precision resistors, and amplifier circuitry. Integrated precision resistors allow reference inversion, bipolar offset, offset and gain adjustment.

The Voltage Output buffered and un-buffered rail-to-rail D-A Converter work well in a wide range of open-loop or closed-loop systems, adjusting gain, offset and many other signals. As well as the VOUT DAC un-buffered low glitch that makes them ideal for AC applications such as waveform generation.

BrandAnalog Devices
Разрешение14 бит
Ошибка интегральной нелинейности±16МЗР
Количество каналов ЦАП2
Тип монтажаПоверхностный монтаж
Тип корпусаMSOP
Число контактов8
Максимальное время установления10мкс
Тип цифрового интерфейсаПоследовательный (SPI/Microwire)
Тип источника питанияОдинарный
Минимальная рабочая температура0 °C
Максимальная рабочая температура+70 °C
Типичное одиночное напряжение питания2,5 → 5,5 В
Размеры3 x 3 x 0.97мм
Страна происхожденияMY

Способы доставки в Калининград

Доставка LTC2612CMS8#PBF в город Калининград
от 12 раб. дней
от 807
от 6 раб. дней
от 710
Деловые линии
от 18 раб. дней
от 2179
Почта РФ
от 15 раб. дней
от 290
от 5 раб. дней
от 1481
от 7 раб. дней
от 833
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