
Код товара: 10798673

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Описание Eng:

Описание 780-161

RS PRO Liquid Flow Sensors RS PRO flow transducers manufactured in acetal copolymer with brass compression fittings at both ends to fit 15 mm diameter pipe connections. These flow sensors are designed to tailor the transducer to any particular requirements and needs of the user. A variety of pipe connections, electrical terminations and flow ranges are possible giving several possible ways in which it can be arranged that should satisfy various applications.

Before installing flow sensors there are a few things to consider which are bends, valves, flow regulators, tee junctions and other fittings with cause the flow to travel faster at one side of the pipe relative to the other. This asymmetry in the flow can affect the calibration and the disturbance should be as far removed from the sensor as possible and ideally put after the flow sensor. Turbine transducers are affected by viscosity and where possible the viscosity (temperature) of the liquid should be kept fairly constant.

Sensor options include:
257-149 - Grey liquid flow sensor,0.25 to 6.5 l/min, 500Hz, 4600 pulses/litre
257-133 - Beige liquid flow sensor,1.5 to 30 l/min, 600Hz, 1200 pulses/litre

These RS PRO flow transducers have been manufactured to the highest standards and with correct installation and maintenance they will last a long time with reliable operation throughout.

BrandRS Pro
Контролируемые средыЖидкость
Тип устройстваРадиальная турбина
Минимальный расход1,5 л/мин
Максимальный расход30 л/мин
Напряжение питания4,5 → 16 В пост. тока
Диапазон диаметров трубы15 мм
Максимальное давление20бар
Минимальная рабочая температура-40°C
Максимальная рабочая температура+70°C
Номинальный ток10 мА
Страна происхожденияGB

Способы доставки в Калининград

Доставка 780-161 в город Калининград
от 12 раб. дней
от 794
от 6 раб. дней
от 288
Деловые линии
от 18 раб. дней
от 2155
Почта РФ
от 10 раб. дней
от 290
от 5 раб. дней
от 1481
от 7 раб. дней
от 747
* Стоимость и сроки доставки являются ориентировочными. Итоговая стоимость и срок будут рассчитаны на странице оформления заказа.