PIC18F2455-I/SP, Микроконтроллер PIC 16K x 16 - Флэш-память 2048 статическое ОЗУ 256 ЭППЗУ 10-АЦП 24 порт(-ов) ввода-вывода 4 таймера + сторожевой таймер MSSP CCP ECCP EAUSART 2 компаратора

Код товара: 103286

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Описание Eng:
PIC 16K x 16 - Flash 2048 SRAM 256 EEPROM 10-ADC 24 I/O 4-Tmr + WDT MSSP CCP ECCP EAUSART 2 Comp
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Tube (туба)
15 шт

Описание PIC18F2455-I/SP

The PIC18F2455-I/SP is a high-performance enhanced flash USB Microcontroller with nanoWatt technology. Ideal for low power (nanoWatt) and connectivity applications that benefit from the availability of three serial ports of FS-USB(12Mbps), I²C™ and SPI™ (up to 10Mbps) and an asynchronous (LIN capable) serial port (EUSART). Large amounts of RAM memory for buffering and enhanced flash program memory make it ideal for embedded control and monitoring applications that require periodic connection with a (legacy free) personal computer via USB for data upload/download or firmware updates. While operating up to 48MHz, the PIC18F2455 is also mostly software and hardware compatible with the PIC16C745 low-speed USB OTP devices. The PIC18F2455 family introduces design enhancements that make this microcontroller a logical choice for many high-performance and power sensitive applications.

• Low speed (1.5Mbps) and full speed (12Mbps)
• Supports control, interrupt, isochronous and bulk transfers
• Supports up to 32 endpoints (16 bidirectional)
• 1kB Dual access RAM for USB
• On-chip USB transceiver with on-chip voltage regulator
• Power-managed mode - Two-speed oscillator start-up
• Flexible oscillator structure - Four crystal modes, including high-precision PLL for USB
• Peripheral - Enhanced USART module and enhanced capture/compare/PWM (ECCP) module
• Flash/data EEPROM retention of >40 years
• Self-programmable under software control
• 8 x 8 Single-cycle hardware multiplier
• In-Circuit Debug (ICD) via two pins

Серияpic 18f
Ширина шины данных8-бит
Тактовая частота48 мгц
Количество входов/выходов24
Объем памяти программ24 кбайт (12k x 16)
Тип памяти программflash
Объем EEPROM256 x 8
Объем RAM2k x 8
Наличие АЦП/ЦАПацп 10x10b
Встроенные интерфейсыi2c, spi, uart, usb
Встроенная периферияbrown-outdetect/reset, hlvd, por, pwm, wdt
Напряжение питания4.2…5.5 в
Рабочая температура-40…+85c
Корпусdip-28 (0.300 inch)
Вес, г4

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